Canyon Kids Adaptive Outdoor Adventure Programs

Canyon Kids has teamed up with Dave Ritter, Outdoor Leadership Trainer, Guide and Director of Bretton Woods Outdoor Adventure Program to create a new program called Bretton Adaptive. 

We offer one on one and small group outdoor recreational outings like kayaking, ropes course, hiking and wilderness exploration for children and teens of all abilities and needs. These outings are happening during the 2018-2019 school year, afterschool, on select weekends and days off of school. 

During the summer, we offer our Integrated Summer Outdoor Adventure Camp. This is a multi week camp where campers participate in adventures based out of Bretton Woods Recreation Center on the banks of the Potomac River in rural Maryland. This camp accepts 1-3 campers each week from June 2019-August 2019. They will be paired with a trained adventure guide and participate with similarly aged peers in Bretton Woods Outdoor Adventure Camps and Day Camp. Activities can include zip lines, giant slip and slides, hiking, kayaking and swimming. 

Please contact us for more information at or 301 523 0902.  


Oscar Nominated film and book Life, Animated is about the life of Owen Suskind. Owen was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. He lost speech and it seemed his ability to connect to others until his family started to use the very thing that he loved: Disney Animated Film. This is a beautiful story of using a child's affinity to bring us all together. Christine Sproat had the priviledge to work as Owen's OT from the time he was 5 years old starting at a Sensory Integration Camp. Owen is now in his twenties, graduated from an adaptive college program and is living on his own in a supervised communilty with his dog Guss.

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Programs Used at Canyon Kids


Social Thinking

Social thinking is what we do when we interact with people: we think about them. And how we think about people affects how we behave, which in turn affects how others respond to us, which in turn affects our own emotions. More than 15 years ago, Michelle Garcia Winner coined the term Social Thinking® and developed the related treatment approach for individuals with high-functioning autism, Asperger's and similar challenges as she treated students in San Jose, CA. (This excerpt from This program is widely used in our treatment daily. We extensively use Social Thinking books and activities such as Listening Larry, The Group Plan and Expected/Unexpected Behavior to help teach the principles of Social Thinking to our clients. 

The Alert Program

The Alert Program assists students in understanding the theory of sensory integration related to arousal levels in a more child-friendly language. By using automobile engine terminology, the Alert Program provides a fun way for students to understand the different levels of arousal states and self-regulation. This program provides a way for educators and therapists to assist their students in learning about themselves and understand various strategies to monitor arousal states. Understanding these strategies will help the child to better prepare themselves for a state of readiness to work, play, listen, and attend to tasks and activities of daily life.

The Listening Program

The Listening Program is a Music-Based Auditory Stimulation method that enables individuals (both children and adults) to train the auditory system to accurately process sound. When auditory perception is misrepresented, individuals can often have difficulty with academics, understanding/interpreting emotions, cognition, social situations, speech and communication, attention, self-regulation, balance and coordination, and sensory integration.

Floor Time

The Floortime model is a way to follow the child’s natural emotional interests while challenging the child towards meeting their social, emotional, and cognitive goals.  The Floortime technique is used by an interdisciplinary team of caregivers, educators, and therapists to get down on the floor and interact with the child. This method of interaction carries over to daily conversations, social interactions, and interactions in a variety of settings.

The Affect Based Learning Curriculum (ABLC)

The Affect Based Language Curriculum is a program that provides families, teachers, and therapists with various techniques using evidence-based practice and traditional knowledge of the development of communcation and language. This curriculum utizilzes affect (facial expression, tone of voice, mood, etc.) and engagement with pleasurable reciprocal interactions as the foundation for the development of imitation, pragmatics, and receptive and expressive language. 


Handwriting Without Tears

The Handwriting Without Tears curriculum is a program that is clinically proven to provide developmentally appropriate, multisensory tools and strategies for children to learn how to write legibly and appropriately. This program follows research that states that children learn more effectively by actively doing and by using their different senses to learn. By playing, singing, and building letters, this program uses child-friendly language to teach children the skills they need to print words, sentences, and paragraphs.