Canyon Kids Adaptive Outdoor Adventure Programs

Canyon Kids has teamed up with Dave Ritter, Outdoor Leadership Trainer, Guide and Director of Bretton Woods Outdoor Adventure Program to create a new program called Bretton Adaptive. 

We offer one on one and small group outdoor recreational outings like kayaking, ropes course, hiking and wilderness exploration for children and teens of all abilities and needs. These outings are happening during the 2018-2019 school year, afterschool, on select weekends and days off of school. 

During the summer, we offer our Integrated Summer Outdoor Adventure Camp. This is a multi week camp where campers participate in adventures based out of Bretton Woods Recreation Center on the banks of the Potomac River in rural Maryland. This camp accepts 1-3 campers each week from June 2019-August 2019. They will be paired with a trained adventure guide and participate with similarly aged peers in Bretton Woods Outdoor Adventure Camps and Day Camp. Activities can include zip lines, giant slip and slides, hiking, kayaking and swimming. 

Please contact us for more information at or 301 523 0902.  


Oscar Nominated film and book Life, Animated is about the life of Owen Suskind. Owen was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. He lost speech and it seemed his ability to connect to others until his family started to use the very thing that he loved: Disney Animated Film. This is a beautiful story of using a child's affinity to bring us all together. Christine Sproat had the priviledge to work as Owen's OT from the time he was 5 years old starting at a Sensory Integration Camp. Owen is now in his twenties, graduated from an adaptive college program and is living on his own in a supervised communilty with his dog Guss.

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Client Testimonials

"In less than a year with his OT, my young son has mastered more gross and fine motor skills than I can list. And he LOVES to go to Canyon Kids!"


"The most impressive and unique aspect about Canyon Kids is the fact that my son's OT collaborates with his speech pathologist on site and integrates his communication needs into each part of every session." 


"As parents, we felt helpless when faced with our son's struggles with the basic social skills that seemed to come so naturally to other kids his age.  We could not understand his reluctance to try new physical activities, like tricycling or using new playground equipment, and we knew that this reluctance only furthered his isolation from his peers.  Thankfully, we found Canyon Kids.  Canyon Kids helped us as parents to understand the developmental issues underlying his behavior and how occupational therapy could address those issues, all the while understanding that these are not always easy things for parents to hear.  Canyon Kids has provided a loving, fun environment where our son has developed skills that six months ago seemed like impossible goals.  Now we can't get him OFF his tricycle!  Thanks, Canyon Kids!" 


"Leaping Lizards was a wonderful experience for my son Maximo and enabled him to enjoy and learn from a camp experience catered to his needs.  The OT's are highly qualified and put together a varied yet structured, fun but educational, and overall creative activity plan each day that Maximo thoroughly enjoyed.  Max is signed up for next summer already!!" 

"Canyon Kids has been invaluable in working with my daughter on occupational therapy and handwriting support. The knowledge, skill and patience of the therapists are tangible and they never fail to impress me with the creativity they use in coming up with fun ways to support my daughter and get her excited about the work she does with them."  

"I was skeptical at first.  I knew my son was socially awkward and touched really roughly compared to his peers.  But, I couldn’t see how occupational therapy would help.  I was worried about spending a lot of money and time before knowing if the methods were working or not. 

Boy, was I wrong.  With Allison’s guidance, my son has made huge strides in just a matter of months.  Now, he doesn’t always barrel into friends when playing tag and he can focus on games or other activities for an appropriate amount of time.  He’s finally able to have a playdate with a typically developing kid and not require constant coaching; I actually get to have uninterrupted, adult conversation with the other kids’ parent!" 


"Thank you so much for the terrific consultation today.  I really appreciate your time and expertise!  ...having your help will make things [at home] much easier and less overwhelming for sure." 


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